• Contributions Wanted! If you recorded audio, video or photographed a Rush concert and would like to help further preserve Rush's history, please contact us at "admin@rush-archives.net"!
  • Archive Status: All known unofficial live recordings from 1974 through 1994 are now currently available for download. 1996 and onward will be added throughout 2025.

Interview Late 1991 - Roll The Bones Radio Special

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - Roll The Bones Radio Special​
02 - Geddy on Rush's Image​
03 - Neil on Rush's Evolution​
04 - Alex on Rush's Mindset​
05 - Alex on Rush's Rekindled Spirit​
06 - Alex on Rupert Hine and Peter Collins​
07 - Neil on Roll The Bones and Dreamline​
08 - Neil on Album Title​
09 - Geddy on Vocal Range​
10 - Neil on Roll The Bones Rap​
11 - Neil on Cycling​
12 - Neil on Lyrical Themes​
13 - Neil on Ghost Of A Chance​
14 - Neil and Geddy on Rush's Longevity​
15 - Neil on Album Texture and Sound​
16 - Alex on Guitar's Role​
17 - Alex on Bravado​
18 - Neil on Rush's Audience​
19 - Alex on Rush's Audience​
20 - Geddy on Rush's Future​
21 - Geddy on Rush's Image​
22 - Neil on Where's My Thing?​


  • This is from an official promotional CD that features interview responses by each band member to be used by radio stations. The first track is the main program that features a host retroactively playing all of the interview responses in order. The interview questions are not recorded on the CD. While this CD is very similar to the Rush Profiled Presto Interviews, this one does not have the questions written in the liner notes, rather only descriptions. Since this disc features all interview responses in the main program, unlike the Presto disc's main program, I created a separate folder that contains the main track split into four parts, and another folder that contains an untouched rip of the disc.

