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Thin Sounding Rush


New member
Hi all,
I've been working over the past few weeks to restore some of the thin sounding Rush recordings to what they should have been. I've been focused on Roll the Bones and Presto. Hold Your Fire will certainly be next. I am using an old piece of home audio tech patched in for re-recording these albums. This piece of tech has not been available since 1997 - the AudioControl Phase Coupled Activator. It uses a patented method of digitally synthesizing low frequency information and subharmonics based on all of the upper harmonic frequencies, in real time. This piece of equipment is not an EQ, and does not behave like a bass boost/loudness contour. To not be too techy about it... it makes thin sounding music COME ALIVE!!!

Of course, you would not benefit from this at 100% unless your audio system can reproduce all frequencies from 20Hz and up. The question here is how do I share what I've done with this community? Obviously, this is studio material. I would really like some feedback from experienced Rush listeners, but don't know how to proceed from here. I can provide some links to either samples, songs or the entire albums. However, you may need to prove you already own this material. I do not want to violate any laws - and these three men deserve every dime from their work.

Comments are welcome...

As an FYI, I've been doing this for a while on other music that has the same issue - almost all of Van Halen (1984 & 5150 are very different albums restored), older Journey, the first few Saga albums as examples.
Hi Jermdog2112 -- That sounds really interesting, and a generous thought! And yeah I agree that recordings that could benefit from some fattening include RtB and Presto especially, and HYF. I don't know anything about the pure legalities, but would offer that morally, you'd be very much in the clear. I would bet the farm that anyone here interested in hearing your work has likely bought most of the studio albums a couple of times at least! For example, I bought Presto as an LP, a cassette, the original CD when it was released. Then I bought the remastered CD. I went to two Presto shows, bought a shirt, a program, and other merchandise at the shows. I'd purchase a remastered/expanded edition were they ever to revisit the material. Multiply that over and over and over for all the other albums... I suspect most Rush fans have a similar story when it comes to purchasing all the available official material.

Hi all,
I've been working over the past few weeks to restore some of the thin sounding Rush recordings to what they should have been. I've been focused on Roll the Bones and Presto. Hold Your Fire will certainly be next. I am using an old piece of home audio tech patched in for re-recording these albums. This piece of tech has not been available since 1997 - the AudioControl Phase Coupled Activator. It uses a patented method of digitally synthesizing low frequency information and subharmonics based on all of the upper harmonic frequencies, in real time. This piece of equipment is not an EQ, and does not behave like a bass boost/loudness contour. To not be too techy about it... it makes thin sounding music COME ALIVE!!!

Of course, you would not benefit from this at 100% unless your audio system can reproduce all frequencies from 20Hz and up. The question here is how do I share what I've done with this community? Obviously, this is studio material. I would really like some feedback from experienced Rush listeners, but don't know how to proceed from here. I can provide some links to either samples, songs or the entire albums. However, you may need to prove you already own this material. I do not want to violate any laws - and these three men deserve every dime from their work.

Comments are welcome...

As an FYI, I've been doing this for a while on other music that has the same issue - almost all of Van Halen (1984 & 5150 are very different albums restored), older Journey, the first few Saga albums as examples.
I would recommend putting it up on youtube before anything else since they have a built in copyright system. Usually it wont get taken down, they will just put ads on it and the money made will go back to the band
Well, I've never posted to youtube, so I'm not sure about it... I guess if anyone wants a listen, they can privately PM me for a sample.
Well, I've never posted to youtube, so I'm not sure about it... I guess if anyone wants a listen, they can privately PM me for a sample.
Somebody did a simple remaster on YouTube (channel was deleted by the owner), but it made Presto's bass sound amazing. Honestly, I would love to see some Rush albums with a less thin sound to them with the tech you have.
So to follow up on this topic, I'd like to give everyone hear an opportunity to give these new mixes a listen. I know we have a limited audience on this forum. Would any of the admins object to me posting these?
I read "Presto" and "low frequency information" on the same post and knew I had to hear this. I'm all ears!