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Natural Science- Live from the Opening Night of the Vapor Trails Tour


Staff member
Finally started uploading songs from my ongoing remaster of this Concert. Big shoutout to StickHits for helping me out tremendously on this project. Without him this remaster would not have been possible. Please check it out on our respective channels!

Amazing work! Thank you for sharing this exciting performance - the sound is really good and some of the video shots are outstanding. Great camera work in a challenging situation with fan obstruction. The cameraman was forced to choose Geddy's side, or Alex's side of the stage The result includes number of shots with only Alex and Neil, which is a neat perspective. Hard to fathom that Neil was playing like this after a multi year layoff.

That interview clip of Geddy saying "it wasn't lost on us that getting to that point was almost impossible," made me reminisce that it wasn't lost on me as a fan at the time. I recall VT tour being the point in my life where I would drop a lot (activities and money) to travel and see Rush as much as I could manage on every tour, as opposed to hitting only the local area shows. I knew this was a second chance of sorts and immersed myself in feelings of deep appreciation every time I saw them.

Thank you!