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Giant Inflatable Presto Rabbits (1990-1994 Tours)

By-Tor X-1

Staff member
On March 11, 2024, Reddit user "BattleCreekRush" posted several photos of one of the inflatable bunnies Rush used on the Presto, Roll The Bones, and Counterparts tours. They said it was recently acquired from a former Rush roadie, and suggest the approximate height is about 17 feet.

presto-bunny-1.png presto-bunny-2.png presto-bunny-3.png

For years I've wondered the whereabouts of these old bunnies and their conditions. This one seems to have been well preserved.
Around 2021, someone commented online that they had asked Geddy about the rabbits during one of his "Big Beautiful Book of Bass" signing events. Geddy claimed that he was only aware of one that still existed in storage in their warehouse.

Unless there was a third rabbit as backup, both are now accounted for. However there was also the one variation, the rabbit with the gun, which would "shoot" and deflate the other rabbit during the Counterparts tour. This particular rabbit's whereabouts are unknown, though could always possibly be the one Geddy mentioned being in their warehouse.

presto12.jpg presto1.jpg presto11.jpg