Rush Archives
Syrinx Computers
Track Listing:
01 - The Big Money *
02 - Subdivisions
03 - Limelight
04 - Marathon
05 - Turn The Page
06 - Prime Mover
07 - Manhattan Project
08 - Closer To The Heart
09 - Red Sector A
10 - Force Ten
11 - Time Stand Still
12 - Distant Early Warning
13 - Lock And Key
14 - Mission
15 - Territories
16 - YYZ **
17 - The Rhythm Method (Drum Solo) **
18 - Red Lenses **
19 - The Spirit Of Radio *
20 - Tom Sawyer
21 - 2112: Overture / Temples Of Syrinx
22 - La Villa Strangiato
23 - In The Mood
- This audio recording is from a completely different audience source than the camera footage.
- While the video version of this concert is complete, the audio version of this concert is missing the beginning of The Big Money (*), then later cuts off immediately after Territories, so is completely missing YYZ, Neil's drum solo, and Red Lenses (**), then starts again during the beginning of The Spirit Of Radio (*) to capture the remainder of the performance.