• Contributions Wanted! If you recorded audio, video or photographed a Rush concert and would like to help further preserve Rush's history, please contact us at "admin@rush-archives.net"!
  • Notice: Many big changes for Rush Archives are currently in progress. Thank you to those who have been supporting this project, and for being patient with the slower methods of operation so far. A mass inflow of content over the next few months, among other changes, will become more and more apparent.

Audio 9 December 1978 - St. Paul Civic Center, St. Paul, Minnesota [Audience]

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - Anthem​
02 - A Passage To Bangkok​
03 - By-Tor And The Snow Dog​
04 - Xanadu (cut)​


  • This is a recording that even people seriously into live Rush recordings are more than likely to pass up.
  • The majority of what would've been a full headlining concert is missing, with the recording cutting off only about a minute and a half into Xanadu.
  • To make matters worse, unlike the comparatively super short San Diego AFTK tour recording, this one sounds pretty bad, definitely bottom of the barrel of the Hemispheres tour recordings.
  • This recording will likely only be of interest to someone who actually attended this concert.

