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Audio 29 September 1977 - Warnors Theatre, Fresno, California [Audience]

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - Bastille Day​
02 - Lakeside Park​
03 - By-Tor And The Snow Dog​
04 - Xanadu​
05 - A Farewell To Kings​
06 - Something For Nothing​
07 - Cygnus X-1​
08 - Anthem​
09 - Closer To The Heart​
10 - 2112​
11 - Working Man​
12 - Fly By Night​
13 - In The Mood​
14 - Drum Solo​
15 - Cinderella Man​


  • Old bootleg releases label this recording for Sept 28 at the Selland Arena in Fresno. We know Fresno is correct since it is mentioned during the intro, and Geddy mentions it after Bastille Day and during In The Mood. However, accurate official documentation indicates Sept 29 at the Warnors Theatre is the only possible correct date and venue, as it was the only performance in Fresno during this tour.
  • Old bootleg releases swapped around Cygnus X-1 and Something For Nothing for some reason, I can only imagine to make this recording fit better on two CDs. However these two songs were never performed in that order, and the random splices in the audio were jarringly obvious when listening. For both the recommended download and YouTube video featured here, I have corrected the track order and improper audio splices which now flow seamlessly. The only thing I could not fix is the irreversible fade in/out before and after Something For Nothing, and after Cygnus X-1, as I am not aware of an unmodified master source available.

