• Contributions Wanted! If you recorded audio, video or photographed a Rush concert and would like to help further preserve Rush's history, please contact us at "admin@rush-archives.net"!
  • Archive Status: All known unofficial live recordings from 1974 through 1994 are now currently available for download. 1996 and onward will be added throughout 2025.

Video 28 December 1977 - Kitchener Memorial Auditorium, Kitchener, Ontario [Audience 8mm]

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Song Segments Captured:

Bastille Day​
Lakeside Park​
By-Tor And The Snow Dog​
A Farewell To Kings​
Something For Nothing​
Closer To The Heart​
2112: Temples Of Syrinx​
2112: Grand Finale​
Working Man​
In The Mood​
Drum Solo​


  • This footage was shot by Daniel Graham. Audio sync by The Genesis Museum.
  • As with any 8mm audience footage from this era, full songs and concerts were not able to be captured due to the short length of the film reels.
  • Also as is the case with many 8mm reels of the era, the film used did did not concurrently record audio, so the resulting footage was silent. However, in our present day era, it is fairly easy to sync these old silent 8mm film clips with audio bootlegs. Since there is no known audience audio recording of this date, audio from another concert was used to sync and bring more life to this very rare footage of Rush.


I'm adding a comment here to get this thread seen in recent posts, since an audio sync has now been completed and shared by The Genesis Museum.
The YouTube link above has been updated, and a copy has been added to the download link. The download link also still retains the silent raw video that surfaced last month.
As of currently, the ongoing sync for the March 23, 1977 film by Daniel Graham has not yet been completed.

Also of note, remember to keep an eye on the Newest Circulating Recordings post which is updated every time something new is released.
Oh my goodness, all this newly surfaced video is unbelievably thrilling - how sharp and clear it is! So much to comment on but no time to get it all out now. Quick question on the 12/28/77 video in this thread, from what show is the synched audio?

And I can't resist a question about the March 77 video - what is that little guitar Alex plays towards the end of the show, and what song is he using it on? The synch for that show will be a dream come true.

Thank you!!!
I haven’t yet been able to figure out which audio The Genesis Museum used for this sync. The obvious choices would be September 29, December 10, or December 29, though none seem to be the case. Kinda weird they went with something more obscure. When I figure it out I’ll comment it here as well as update the notes in the main post.

About the little guitar on March 23, that seems to have gotten a lot of people talking. Someone who was researching this tells me they believe it is a “Mando Guitar”, though I haven’t researched that further yet. I would guess that assumption is possibly correct, because I haven’t found anything remotely similar except some Japanese “travel guitars” which weren’t fully hitting the mark. For the March 23 concert, Alex uses it only for the little conclusion at the end of Neil’s drum solo, then goes back to his regular for the next song. One of the many silly things they would do only one or a few times during this era. I was told GM will be releasing a sync for that 8mm next, so you can look forward to that. It’s really cool, featuring a decent bit of The Necromancer, and you will learn a lot of interesting things like that Star Trek alien projection during Temples of Syrinx, Alex with his double neck on The Twilight Zone, Geddy sitting down during the quiet part of By-Tor, and Neil using mallets on In The End.