• Contributions Wanted! If you recorded audio, video or photographed a Rush concert and would like to help further preserve Rush's history, please contact us at "admin@rush-archives.net"!
  • Archive Status: All known unofficial live recordings from 1974 through 1994 are now currently available for download. 1996 and onward will be added throughout 2025.

Audio 26 April 1994 - USAir Arena, Largo, Maryland [Audience / Soundboard]

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - Dreamline *​
02 - The Spirit Of Radio *​
03 - The Analog Kid *​
04 - Cold Fire *​
05 - Time Stand Still *​
06 - Nobody's Hero *​
07 - Roll The Bones *​
08 - Animate *​
09 - Stick It Out​
10 - Double Agent​
11 - Limelight​
12 - Bravado​
13 - Mystic Rhythms​
14 - Closer To The Heart​
15 - Show Don't Tell​
16 - Leave That Thing Alone​
17 - The Rhythm Method (Drum Solo)​
18 - The Trees​
19 - Xanadu​
20 - Hemispheres: Prelude​
21 - Tom Sawyer **​
22 - YYZ​
23 - Cygnus X-1 (Outro)​


  • This is one of the rarer instances where both a soundboard recording and an audience recording exist for the same concert.
  • The entire concert was recorded via the audience minus Tom Sawyer (**), however the soundboard recording did not capture any songs prior to Stick It Out. (*)
  • The recommended version combines the two sources into one complete show. The first portion of the recommended download (Track 1-8) is from an audience recording, while the second portion (Track 9-23) was recorded from the soundboard.
  • Force Ten is NOT missing from this recording, the truth is that the band did not play the song during this show, being the only show of the Counterparts tour that Force Ten was omitted. Geddy is clearly very sick during this show, as his voice sounds really rough and gets progressively worse further in. Official tour listings note that the very next concert (April 27) after this performance was cancelled due to Geddy's illness, and this recording leaves you with no questions as to why. My guess as to why Force Ten was omitted, Geddy probably didn't want to power his voice through another song, so they just went straight into YYZ for the encore to finish the show.

