• Contributions Wanted! If you recorded audio, video or photographed a Rush concert and would like to help further preserve Rush's history, please contact us at "admin@rush-archives.net"!
  • Notice: Many big changes for Rush Archives are currently in progress. Thank you to those who have been supporting this project, and for being patient with the slower methods of operation so far. A mass inflow of content over the next few months, among other changes, will become more and more apparent.

Audio 22 September 1983 - Radio City Music Hall, New York City, New York [Audience]

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - The Spirit Of Radio​
02 - Tom Sawyer​
03 - Digital Man​
04 - Subdivisions​
05 - Vital Signs​
06 - Red Sector A​
07 - Closer To The Heart​
08 - The Analog Kid​
09 - The Body Electric​
10 - Broon's Bane​
11 - The Trees​
12 - Red Barchetta​
13 - The Weapon​
14 - New World Man​
15 - Kid Gloves​
16 - Limelight​
17 - Countdown​
18 - 2112: Overture / Temples Of Syrinx​
19 - Xanadu​
20 - La Villa Strangiato​
21 - In The Mood​
22 - YYZ​
23 - Drum Solo​
24 - YYZ (Reprise)​


  • This recording features early live versions of Red Sector A, The Body Electric, and Kid Gloves.
  • In comparison to the Sept 18 recording, Kid Gloves has since been moved from following Digital Man to much later in the setlist. Freewill has also since been dropped from the setlist.
  • This concert featured Rush's final performance of Countdown.
  • This concert is one of the very rare instances from the 1980s where we have completely unique recordings from more than one person in the audience.

