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Interview 21 May 1984 - Rockline: Geddy Lee Interview

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - Intro / Geddy hit in head by flying object during concert.​
02 - Why did it take so long to release Grace Under Pressure?​
03 - What's the meaning behind the cover and title of Grace Under Pressure?​
04 - What's the meaning of the Fear Trilogy?​
05 - Are you planning on using video screens on future tours?​
06 - Have you ever wanted to hire an additional keyboard player?​
07 - How did you get involved with Bob and Doug McKenzie?​
08 - Why did Terry Brown leave Rush?​
09 - Voice in The Necromancer and Grand Finale? / Why By-Tor went from evil to good? / Geddy's favorite bassists.​
10 - What's the significance of the red star on 2112?​
11 - Will there be another live album in the future?​
12 - What do the baseball positions on the Signals album mean?​
13 - How did you come up with the name Rush?​
14 - Are you and Alex going to pursue solo careers?​
15 - Is it hard putting emotions into lyrics you didn't write, and does touring take a toll on you?​
16 - Are you going to do any music videos for Grace Under Pressure?​
17 - Do you sing your songs in French in Canada? / Origin of "Rocinante".​
18 - Why did you change your sound for A Farewell To Kings?​
19 - Will you be doing any older music for the upcoming tour?​
20 - Did the Moving Pictures title or cover come first? / Moving Pictures cover details.​
21 - Do you like Devo? / Keyboard Influences and Usage / Outro​


  • This is an interview with Geddy Lee on a national broadcast of the "Rockline" radio program, hosted by Bob Coburn, on 21 May 1984 during the Grace Under Pressure tour.

