• Contributions Wanted! If you recorded audio, video or photographed a Rush concert and would like to help further preserve Rush's history, please contact us at "admin@rush-archives.net"!
  • Archive Status: All known unofficial live recordings from 1974 through 1994 are now currently available for download. 1996 and onward will be added throughout 2025.

Audio 2 May 1979 - Liverpool Empire, Liverpool, England [Audience]

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - Intro​
02 - Anthem​
03 - A Passage To Bangkok​
04 - By-Tor And The Snow Dog​
05 - Xanadu​
06 - Something For Nothing​
07 - The Trees​
08 - Cygnus X-1​
09 - Hemispheres​
10 - Closer To The Heart *​
11 - A Farewell To Kings *​
12 - La Villa Strangiato​
13 - 2112 *​
14 - Drum Solo **​


  • This concert is one of the very rare instances from the 1970s where we have completely unique recordings from more than one person in the audience.
  • The "Secret Empire" source has been a circulating bootleg for several decades now, and is missing Closer To The Heart and A Farewell To Kings, which would've been between Hemispheres and La Villa Strangiato. This recording is also missing 2112, Working Man, Bastille Day, and In The Mood, which would've been between La Villa and Neil's drum solo.
    • All of these missing songs apparently were recorded, but intentionally left off the copy tape made and shared by the original taper.
    • There is a short cut at the beginning of The Sphere section of Hemispheres, but otherwise, all the songs we do have are complete.
    • The final instrumental flourishes from the band also seem to have been cut from the end of Neil's drum solo, so we don't hear Geddy say goodnight and close out the concert.
  • The "Mark E" source tape was presented in November 2022 by the taper, Mark, and was finally able to be digitized by Rush Archives in December 2023.
    • This source captures the entire concert up through 2112, but is missing the encore medley of Working Man, Bastille Day, In The Mood, and Neil's drum solo.
  • In summary, Closer To The Heart, A Farewell To Kings, and 2112 are exclusive to the "Mark E" source (*), while Neil's drum solo is exclusive to the "Secret Empire" source (**).
    • With both sources combined, we are still missing Working Man, Bastille Day, and In The Mood from the encore medley.
  • Circumstances was dropped from the setlist towards the end of the Hemispheres tour for all European dates, which would have been from April 23 and onward.

