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Audio 16 December 1978 - International Amphitheatre, Chicago, Illinois [Audience]

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - Anthem​
02 - A Passage To Bangkok​
03 - By-Tor And The Snow Dog​
04 - Xanadu​
05 - Something For Nothing​
06 - The Trees (cut)​
07 - Cygnus X-1 (cut)​
08 - Hemispheres​
09 - Closer To The Heart​
10 - Circumstances​
11 - A Farewell To Kings​
12 - La Villa Strangiato​
13 - 2112​
14 - Working Man​
15 - Bastille Day​
16 - In The Mood​
17 - Drum Solo​


  • This is the third of three consecutive nights that Rush performed at Chicago's International Amphitheatre in 1978.
  • Geddy's voice cracks badly during A Passage To Bangkok, undoubtedly the worst vocal crack I've ever heard from him up to now, but the timing of it yields quite an amusing result.
  • Nearly all of The Trees is missing due to the tape stopping, and starts recording again about half way into Cygnus X-1, which was performed right after The Trees.
  • Despite the unfortunate cuts in the recording and a few performance oddities, this is an excellent audience recording, making it one among several of the best of the Hemispheres tour.
  • In the words of Rick B, the original taper:
"I had a 90 minute tape and a 60 minute tape. Right before the show started I inserted the 60 minute tape by mistake because I was looking for security. I was watching my watch for 40 minutes to go by before the flip. When I looked down to the recorder the end eye was lit up. That's when I noticed I put in the 60 tape first. My stomach dropped when I realized I had missed about 10 minutes of the show hence the cut song of Trees. From there on out I used only 90 minute tapes."

