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Audio 15 February 1990 - Greenville Memorial Auditorium, Greenville, South Carolina [Rehearsal] [Audience]

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - Marathon​
02 - Red Barchetta​
03 - Show Don't Tell​
04 - Superconductor​
05 - The Pass​


  • This is a partial recording of a rehearsal of the full Presto setlist, played two days before the first show of the Presto tour at the same venue.
  • This recording does not capture the entire setlist rehearsal, however based on these songs being in setlist order and all played in full, we can quite confidently assume they played through the full set. You can also hear a few seconds of the very end of Subdivisions at the beginning of the recording, which reaffirms that they were rehearsing the entire setlist.
  • This recording was previously labeled as Spartanburg Memorial Auditorium in Spartanburg, South Carolina (approximately 40 minutes away from Greenville), however a Greenville newspaper segment from February 16 confirms the band had been rehearsing at Greenville Memorial Auditorium.
  • This is an extremely rare and obscure recording, seemingly undocumented anywhere online, and not really known about in circulation with Rush bootleg collectors.

