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Interview 18 November 1985 - Rockline: Geddy Lee Interview

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - Intro / Writing New Songs & Short Warm-Up Tour​
02 - What are your feelings on your albums when they're first released?​
03 - Why was the September 1984 Toronto concert filmed? / Will Terry Brown return to Rush?​
04 - Is Steve Morse's band going to be opening for Rush on the Power Windows tour?​
05 - How will you get the choir and string effects from Marathon live in concert?​
06 - Were the lyrics or music written first for Rush's longer pieces?​
07 - Did any specific events inspire songs on Power Windows?​
08 - Difficulty in writing the melody of Manhattan Project.​
09 - What is the musical direction of the band for future albums?​
10 - What is the theme and outlook of the lyrics in Middletown Dreams?​
11 - What are your thoughts on the cover art of Power Windows?​
12 - What lessons did you learn from the difficulty of recording Hemispheres?​
13 - How do you determine the setlist for a tour? / Additions to the stage effects?​
14 - What are your personal goals for the future? / Alex's involvement in Platinum Blonde?​
15 - What do you do with your fan mail? / What do you think about fanatic Rush fans?​
16 - Do you and Alex ever plan to write lyrics again?​
17 - What is the "haunted child" sound in Witch Hunt?​
18 - How did you get involved in "Tears Are Not Enough"?​
19 - Are you and Alex going to do solo albums? / Has Alex gotten into painting?​
20 - Is Neil going to publish a poetry book?​
21 - What are the band's current goals? / Outro​


  • This is an interview with Geddy Lee on a national broadcast of the "Rockline" radio program, hosted by Bob Coburn, on 18 November 1985 a few weeks before the Power Windows tour.

