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More Rush Hold Your Fire/Presto/Roll the Bones footage

Grace :)

GUP Fangirl
Staff member
Edit: I just realized I posted this in the wrong sub-forum.

I just wanted to post links to some better footage from the Presto/Roll the Bones tours (Hold Your Fire footage isn't as good as the others):
NOTE: I do believe the main archivist did get some copies, but these are some direct video links for people wanting access to them without donating for uncompressed, raw footage.

Concert: Hold Your Fire (4:3):
Date: March 7th, 1988
Location: Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto
Link (4:3):

Concert: Presto Soundcheck (16:9)
Date: May 17th, 1990
Location: Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto
Link (16:9):

Concert: Presto (4:3/16:9)
Date: May 17th, 1990
Location: Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto
Link (4:3):

Link (16:9):

Concert: Roll the Bones
Date: October 25, 1991
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Link (16:9):

I actually did donate a fair sum to the uploader of these videos many months ago, and was able to obtain the raw uncompressed, original aspect ratio versions. The uploader of the videos had recorded all of these himself.

The raw files are approximately 9-12 GBs each from what I remember. I was hesitant to upload them here because I didn't want to upset the guy, since he's currently trying to make minor profits on his own content, yet is still generous enough to share them on YouTube for free. So since quality degradation isn't really an issue here, I didn't think most people would be interested in 9GB files anyway. My biggest thing was preserving the original aspect ratio versions, as I'm highly opposed to cropping footage of any kind to conform to modern aspect ratios, as I find it historically damaging.

At some point in the future though I'll probably end up doing something with them, but in the meantime they are safe in my Rush files. Though I do really want to make some lossless audio rips from the raw files and upload the audio here, as we don't have audio for some/all of these dates from what I remember. I just haven't quite gotten around to doing so yet.