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Audio 26 November 1976 - Winterland Ballroom, San Francisco, California [Audience]

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - Anthem​
02 - 2112​
03 - Working Man​
04 - Finding My Way​
05 - Working Man (Reprise)​
06 - Drum Solo​
07 - Fly By Night​
08 - In The Mood​


  • This recording is missing Bastille Day, which would've been played before Anthem. The intro captures the crowd applause that followed Bastille Day and Geddy introducing Anthem.
  • Lakeside Park was not performed, most likely due to a lack of time on stage.
  • The setlist here is fairly short due to Rush being an opening act during this performance.
  • Rush played at the Winterland Ballroom on November 26 and 27 of 1976, so it's impossible to confirm which of these dates is accurate, and I've seen both used to label this recording.
  • During the introduction Geddy says "it's nice to be at... something inaudible" ("in 'Frisco"?), but does not sound remotely like the Winterland Ballroom or San Francisco. However, this is indeed the correct location of this recording, as Geddy mentions San Francisco during In The Mood, and the Winterland is the only venue they played there on this tour.

