• Contributions Wanted! If you recorded audio, video or photographed a Rush concert and would like to help further preserve Rush's history, please contact us at "admin@rush-archives.net"!
  • Archive Status: All known unofficial live recordings from 1974 through 1994 are now currently available for download. 1996 and onward will be added throughout 2025.

Audio 22 September 1979 - New Bingley Hall, Stafford, England [Audience]

Rush Archives

Syrinx Computers


Track Listing:

01 - 2112​
02 - A Passage To Bangkok​
03 - By-Tor And The Snow Dog​
04 - Xanadu​
05 - The Spirit Of Radio​
06 - The Trees​
07 - Cygnus X-1​
08 - Hemispheres​
09 - Freewill​
10 - Working Man​
11 - Finding My Way​
12 - Anthem​
13 - Bastille Day​
14 - In The Mood​
15 - Drum Solo​
16 - La Villa Strangiato​


  • This recording features early live versions of The Spirit Of Radio and Freewill.
  • This was Rush's final performance of the 1970s, final unabridged performance of 2112 (without Oracle: The Dream) until the T4E tour in 1996, final unabridged performance of Cygnus X-1, and final performance of Hemispheres to include Apollo (already abridged to exclude Dionysus following the Hemispheres tour).
  • Closer To The Heart was allegedly recorded, but omitted from these available sources before entering circulation 20+ years ago.
  • While the quality of this recording stinks big time, and is missing Closer To The Heart, the good news is I have located an undigitized tape of this concert that does contain CTTH. I can not vouch for its quality as of yet, but we plan to work on a digital transfer of this tape sometime in late 2024.


Thanks for reminding me. I have transferred the tape some months ago, but I still need to get it prepared.
I need to do a speed correction because it's super fast for some reason, like approx 30% give or take if I recall correctly.
It's the same source is the one above, sounds just as awful, so I was disappointed. Though yes it does have CTTH, so it will be a minor upgrade.