• Contributions Wanted! If you recorded audio, video or photographed a Rush concert and would like to help further preserve Rush's history, please contact us at "admin@rush-archives.net"!
  • Notice: Many big changes for Rush Archives are currently in progress. Thank you to those who have been supporting this project, and for being patient with the slower methods of operation so far. A mass inflow of content over the next few months, among other changes, will become more and more apparent.

Search results

  1. R

    Interesting Photo

    Hi folks. I stumbled on this website of a photographer who has a couple of Rush photos up, including this one: https://www.alrendon.com/rock?pgid=l0sncood-ad97f52c-0636-46e2-863a-3b7d6b63df71_31 And here is the other one...
  2. R

    Sunday Night Rankings (80s-90s)

    Hi folks, when procrastinating, and avoiding the hard and dreary things (work) on a Sunday night, one’s mind wanders. Tonight, mine wanders to Rush, while I listen to the unbelievable audience recording from June 24, 1984 in Milwaukee. I’m a diehard devotee of 1970s Rush. The 1980s and beyond...
  3. R

    Speculation on Rush's Tape Archives

    I've been seeking live Rush recordings for most of my adult life, with a heavy emphasis on the pre 1981 periods. What's out there reveals what we all know - a hard working band that played many, many shows. Like me, I imagine that most fans of live recordings put up with the harsh sounds of...