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Search results

  1. Cygnus X1

    The Evolution Of The Drum Head (1968-1984)

    While Doing some research, I noticed the amount of times the drum heads changed between 1968 and 2015. I thought I would showcase the different variations of the heads. SECTION 1: THE RUTSEY ERA (1968-1974) 1. (1968? -1970) The earliest photos of the band date back to the early 70s, and the...
  2. Cygnus X1

    What Was The Reason For The All The Worlds A Stage Tour

    I have always wondered why they had The All The Worlds a Stage Tour from 76-77. When looking at the Setlist from both ATWAS and 2112 Tour, they are the exact same. Why would they have this tour instead of just continuing the 2112 Tour through to '77
  3. Cygnus X1

    Looking For A 90s Interview

    I am looking for an interview from between 89-2000 where Geddy and Alex did a Q and A Radio Interview. My Dad submitted a written Question asking about what happened to the Robes they wore in the 70s. I have tried looking but to no avail. Please Respond if you found it
  4. Cygnus X1

    2022 Performances

    Hello I was wondering. i was thinking of making a thread for the preformances at both the south park 25th and also taylor hawkins preformance. do i need permisson or do you make them