• Contributions Wanted! If you recorded audio, video or photographed a Rush concert and would like to help further preserve Rush's history, please contact us at "admin@rush-archives.net"!
  • Notice: Many big changes for Rush Archives are currently in progress. Thank you to those who have been supporting this project, and for being patient with the slower methods of operation so far. A mass inflow of content over the next few months, among other changes, will become more and more apparent.

Recent content by GracePressure

  1. GracePressure

    Audio 30 June 1997 - Molson Amphitheatre, Toronto, Ontario [Scanner]

    I totally get it, it’s not you, it’s YouTube. Lucky for me I’ll be in Canada for a few weeks and I’ll watch it there. I’ll also take your suggestion and download the files to my computer. Thank you sooo much for doing all this for all of us Rush fans.
  2. GracePressure

    Audio 30 June 1997 - Molson Amphitheatre, Toronto, Ontario [Scanner]

    What a bummer that Youtube blocks that video for those of us outside of Canada. I would have loved to watch it. I was there both nights and would love to relive those memories.